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Facebook gives super-fans a home, introduces group feature

Facebook is enrolling a new feature for brands to create their own groups. This will help them to create groups without using their employees’ accounts and will also help protect their privacy. “Groups for Pages” is a feature that has been rolled out to allow people to run Facebook Pages for creating sub-groups within them.

The platform’s dedicated users will be able to chat with one another as well as to the owners of the page directly. For discussion purpose, space will be provided for specialized topics. According to Chris Cox, the Chief product office at Facebook, this feature can be helpful in creating fan clubs for people who are an artist, have a business, a brand or a newspaper. All these groups will be centered on a user’s super fans.

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“If you are an artist, a business, a brand, or a newspaper, you can now create fan clubs and groups centered around your super-fans,” said in a Facebook post by Chris Cox, chief product office at Facebook

According to the Mark Zuckerberg, this new feature will provide people a way to join meaningful communities. He says that the online communities are important for taking care of us; therefore, we need to spend time on building them in the best way. This feature seems to have a lot of potential for the discussions to go ahead as on Facebook right now are 70 million pages that represent artists, brands, businesses, and newspapers.

Via: The Verge

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