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Facebook’s new Camera features will put new steam into Stories

Facebook is updating its camera application on the iOS and Android in order to attract more traffic to its Stories platform, The Next Web reports. This update will help users to go live from the camera with a given option for their Live Broadcast to appear in their Story. In that Live Broadcast, users will be allowed to use the camera effects that are not at like SnapChat’s filters. This feature was introduced last month and was available for few of the users but now it has been rolled out publically.

Stories by Facebook have not gained as much popularity as this same feature has for Instagram and SnapChat. Facebook has brought this new update for bringing some life to its Stories feature but it is still to be seen whether it helps or not.

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Also See: Facebook is testing revamped video Tab

Users will also be able to create GIFs from the Camera in order to share them on their Timeline or Stories. Another ability given to the Stories users is the ability to make text updates as full-screen posts with a colorful background. This is similar to the format of an Instagram post and interestingly, users will be able to share them to their Stories which cannot be done with ordinary text posts.

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Written by Hisham Sarwar

That is all you ever need to know about me but let me warn you, freelancing for me is a journey, certainly not a destination :)


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