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Facebook’s safety check feature to roll out to everyone

The Safety Check feature was first introduced by Facebook in 2014 and since then, the company has been expanding this feature. The social network is now giving a permanent presence to its safety check feature. Standing up to its promise, the company is dedicating a hub on its platform for users to know about the incidents happening elsewhere in the world.

This security feature like before will help users find the ongoing crisis without being prompted to declare themselves as safe. Heading over to the Security Check section, users will see a feed highlighting any recent interactions that they or their friends have made with the Safety check. The around the world section will reveal where the feature has been recently activated.

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Along with giving a permanent presence to the safety Check feature, Facebook is also going to provide people to get better information regarding the ongoing incidents. This will reduce the chance that people panic upon seeing the feature on their News Feed. According to a software engineer at Safety Check, the company wants to make sure that this feature continues to be useful and relevant to people in times of crises without creating false alarms.

This update will be provided to the entire Facebook’s audience in a few weeks’ time. The users can control when the Safety Check feature is activated which will make it more precise instead of relying on Facebook’s employees. This feature will make it a lot easier for people to find the accurate information in all kinds of circumstances.

Via: Facebook, Engadget

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Written by BG Staff


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