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Fan Pages, Facebook’s new ‘Explore Feed’ is reason for traffic drop on your page

Just after Facebook introduced its new ‘Explore Feed’ tab, in the last 24 hours referral traffic dropped from 60% to 80% in news outlets in 6 countries. It was because of a test that removed fan pages post from the news feed and relocated them to a separate, all new Explore feed.

We are sure you probably have not explored this new tab on your desktop and laptop yet. On the desktop you can find the Explorer field by clicking on the see more button or by clicking directly at

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This new page introduced by Facebook shows all the trending posts from different pages in your country. As exciting as it may sound, this is very alarming for the fan page owners whose content will not be shown on the personal timeline, unless they are sponsored posts.

It seems that the pages you Do follow still show the Posts on the main news feed. This new step has caused in reach drop of Facebook pages. The whole idea seems to be focus towards showing friends post on the main timeline, except for the Do follow pages. The message seems to be clear Facebook prioritises users first.

It seems like the function is still not rolled out in most part of the world yet. Fan pages, do you see this new feature as “Alarming“?

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Written by Hisham Sarwar

That is all you ever need to know about me but let me warn you, freelancing for me is a journey, certainly not a destination :)

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