
Feeling down?. Here is what to do

Positive things set the foundation for a productive day and it becomes more important when it is in the form of positive self-talk because it is the most powerful form of communication. This is the kind of communication that either empowers your defeats you. But the positive inner dialogue is very powerful for your well-being and it has been found that positive self-talk can add more years to your life.

The best time to reflect on positive affirmations that help you to tackle whatever obstacles you come across in life. Following are the things you need to remember when you are feeling down:

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Success is not a destination:

In life, things do not happen fast enough which sends people down a negative spiral. You need to remember that the journey toward success is filled with many ups and downs. When you have challenges, they always open up your life to something big. The success you want to achieve is not a destination; it is an opening toward something more adventurous.

Allow yourself to be okay:

You cannot hide your feelings and if you do, it will make you more uncomfortable. Therefore, allow yourself to be okay with whatever you are feeling. Accept that feeling and understand why it is bothering you. If you understand a feeling then it passes quickly and makes you feel better once it passes.

You are not supposed to see growth daily:

When you wake up every day, you cannot imagine how much you have grown and improved as a human being. You need to remember that growth happens at much longer intervals and it may take months and years to see some significant improvement. One needs to learn from the success of the Bamboo tree. Be patient with your growth process and compare yourself to where you were a month or a year ago.

Get things done today:

People usually do not understand how much they are able to do in a day. You are able to do a lot more than just one thing. Keep your phone and email time restricted and focus on things that actually need to get done.

You are not alone in struggling:

When you are struggling in life, you mostly experience a lonely feeling. You think you are all alone in your problems. But be sure that you are not the only one struggling in life, there are other people who are experiencing the same, but their suffering is just not visible to you. Be sure, that there are always people who are experiencing some harder times than you. So, be thankful for the blessings that you have and stay strong no matter what kind of circumstances you are in.

You can make a change:

You can make a change in life whenever you want because it is never too late. You should always be ready to make the change in life that you want. Don’t think that things will change overnight but once you take some action, you will be guided towards the right path.

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Written by Hajra Naz


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