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First Ever Virtual Reality Classes Launched in Pakistan

First Ever Virtual Reality Classes Launched in Pakistan

The Information Technology University of Lahore has introduced Pakistan’s first virtual reality courses.

Information Technology University is leading the way in Pakistan by providing classes in the metaverse to bridge the gap between virtual and traditional education.

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Thanks to this creative solution, students taking online classes can now engage at a level comparable to that of traditional classroom settings.

With this novel configuration, educators and learners can engage in lessons from any location in the nation by merely donning a virtual reality headset.

A projector and board are included in the setup, which is necessary for instructors to teach their lectures properly in the virtual setting.

Students can ask questions and receive answers in the metaverse, but they can also feel the emotions of others around them. Students have said that they find it easier to understand the syllabus because the virtual classroom is more like reality than they are.

The head of the Department of Computer Sciences, Ibrahim Ghaznavi, emphasized that this program will improve students’ academic performance and save energy.

He recalls the period during Covid-19 when students struggled to understand online courses. Ghaznavi continued that facility improvements were critical to raising pupils’ comprehension.

The University of Denmark and the university have signed an agreement for the pilot project. The IT industry thinks that Pakistan will become known globally for contributing to this field if lawmakers pass laws that encourage modern technology and use it to improve education.

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Written by Hajra Naz


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