
Freelancing in the time of Coronavirus

freelancing from home office

The Coronavirus outbreak has escalated in Europe and other countries. People in the U.K, union leaders are rooting for support for freelancer movie makers, TV workers. Many domains are at risk of losing their jobs if the outbreak continues for over a longer period of time.

Italy, China, and the U.K are hard-hit with the virus outbreak battling a rising number of infections.

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The situation of employees being laid off is actually getting from bad to worse. In Ireland alone, around140,000 workers laid off due to coronavirus.  The number consists of restaurant workers, pubs and bar staff and other small industries such as childcare workers. The minister of social protection has already revealed that it may take a “number of weeks” before employers are reimbursed for paying their workers @£203 per week incase the companies have to cease trading after Covid-19 measures.

In this time of crisis where employees are being laid off, freelancing could potentially take a new shape, making ways for bread and better of more people all over the world.

In the times of major lockdowns, one should spend their time constructively. They can still make money by staying home and using their computer, laptops as a freelancer. All one needs to learn is a new skill, signup on any freelance marketplace and start bidding on the projects.

It seems like freelancing work will grow in this time of the Coronavirus outbreak crisis as more companies would be looking to get the jobs done by hiring remote workers who could work from home for a competitive price without compromising on work quality.

Want to become a freelancer?. Take a look at the “freelancing” category on our blog. You can learn every tiny detail about how to work online and get started as a freelancer. This will let you make some handy money, even if you are laid off from your job.

In the future, if your freelance work plate grows, who knows, you may never have to go back to full-time employment anyway.

For Urdu//Hindi readers, this YouTube course by me will kickstart your freelancing career right away.

Happy freelancing everybody. Stay home, stay hydrated and make money.

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Written by Hisham Sarwar

That is all you ever need to know about me but let me warn you, freelancing for me is a journey, certainly not a destination :)


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