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In G-B, the EU launches programmes to promote skills and clean energy

GILGIT BALTISTAN: According to a statement issued on Thursday, the European Union (EU) has started two flagship programmes in Gilgit-Baltistan (G-B) to improve skills and support clean energy.

The European Union’s Delegation to Pakistan released the following statement: “The EU and the Government of Germany have joined forces to transform the vocational training landscape in G-B through its youth skill development Programme.”

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“Selected Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) schools throughout the region receive dedicated support from this Programme, which leads to improved TVET school infrastructure, staff training, and curriculum that better meets the needs of the labor market. This Programme is being carried out in collaboration with the British Council by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH,” it continued.

The EU-funded Energy Plus Programme is expected to improve access to clean energy for rural communities in G-B and Chitral.

“The program’s investments in energy generation, transmission, and distribution are intended to facilitate a sustainable shift to renewable energy sources. Involving local government and civil society, it will also promote energy efficiency to boost growth led by the private sector,” the statement continued.

Through this strategic partnership between the EU and its implementing partner, the Aga Khan Foundation, a total of 350,000 beneficiaries are expected to benefit.

Honourable Chief Minister Haji Gulbar Khan, EU Ambassador to Pakistan HE Dr. Riina Kionka, Head of Development Cooperation-Embayee of the Federal Republic of Germany Dr. Sebastian Paust, and CEO of Aga Khan Foundation Pakistan Akhtar Iqbal were present at the launch event, which was held at a private hotel in Gilgit.

Speaking at the event, the G-B CM stated, “The skills development and clean green energy initiative will play a pivotal role in the socioeconomic development of the region,” and he thanked the EU and the German government for their support. Due to its unique geographic location, Gilgit-Baltistan presents both opportunities and challenges. We have no doubt that these initiatives will advance regional development. As the highest authority in GB, he pledged the government’s support and determination to see both of these projects through to completion in the best interests of the local populace.

Dr. Riina Kionka said, “These initiatives are not just about development; they are about empowering people and communities in Gilgit-Baltistan,” expressing Team Europe’s strong support for the people of G-B. Through creative, sustainable, and renewable solutions, the Energy Plus Programme will transform rural communities; in Gilgit-Baltistan, the TVET initiative will open doors and give people the power to create a better future, particularly for women.

Dr. Sebastian Paust, who spoke at the event, declared, “We are dedicated to making sure that no one is left behind. Through these programmes, everyone in Gilgit-Baltistan will be able to participate in and profit from the economic expansion of the area.

The two new initiatives are a part of the larger Team Europe Initiative, which aims to “build back better through green jobs creation” by combining the strengths of the EU, France, Germany, and Italy. Additionally, they support the EU’s largest investment Programme, the Global Gateway Initiative, which aims to combat the world’s most pressing issues, including combating climate change, enhancing health systems, and enhancing the security and competitiveness of international supply chains.

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Written by Alveena Ahmad


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