
Google is Working on a Search Engine for Doctors

Google wants to give doctors specific searches for medical records. Google pushed a step further into health care and is opening up about its plan, yes – they are all about search. Google has unveiled its new initiative, called Google Health.

There was speculation earlier in the year about Google working around health care but now it’s clear. The company is working on a new type of search engine, allowing doctors and health specialists to search for medical records. It will work the same way as the normal search results work.

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As of now, it is not clear when the doctor’s specific search engine will be un-veiled but an insider report has speculated that the service will be very similar to Google Flights that lets you look up available flights around the world.

What would be interesting to see is if Google goes a step further. One begins to wonder if the portal may also have the functionality of a social media connectivity between doctors and patients like Sermo? Will Google go for a social networking type approach again after Google Plus failure?.

Google has recently brought David Feinberg to lead the new Google Health group.

According to CNBC, the project revolves around both, the doctor and the patient which gives one impression, social networking for doctors may well be on cards to roll out. For now, what we do know is; the website will give doctors the liberty to find medical records. The records will be based on small keywords instead of having to search by the patient’s full name.


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Written by Ahmed Shaami


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