
Google Says Don’t Depend Just on SEO Tools to Write Content

Google Says Don’t Depend Solely on SEO Tools to write content

Google’s John Mueller responded to an inquiry on Reddit where the individual asking the question apparently had questions regarding what the SEO tool was suggesting.

What the tool was recommending didn’t agree with the goal the SEO had.

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This is the question:

I write for and oversee the blog of a Vietnamese travel company that mostly serves travellers from Australia and the United States.

Due to the fact that Surfer SEO frequently displays instances of the accented form of some terms (such geographic names, Quảng Bình vs. Quang Binh), many article H2s use the genuine Vietnamese translations of these words.

Is it accurate to assume that since tourists are the intended audience, accent marks won’t be used in their searches, the accents shouldn’t be present?

Or does Google not seem to care about accent marks?

Google’s John Mueller answered:

“Write for the head(ers), body, and mind in the language of your audience. Do your own study before depending on SEO tools to advise you how to write.

What Do The SERPs Say?

With regards to exploring what to do, once in a while, it assists with seeing what’s ranking there.

In the above example, search questions with and without accents (Quảng Bình versus Quang Binh) are for the most part something similar, with the emphasized variant SERPs containing somewhere around one site in a unique way.

It helps with checking the SERPs using various browsers. I utilize Chrome and the Chrome Canary browser with the goal that one search doesn’t impact the SERPs briefly (due to personalization in view of prior searchers).

Some individuals depend heavily on their tools to the point that they don’t check the actual SERPs. What’s in the tools doesn’t necessarily, in every case, match what’s in the SERPs.

So consistently see what the SERPs are doing; don’t depend 100 percent on everything that the tool is saying to you about the SERPs.

It very well may be unique.

Do Your Own Research

Mueller didn’t say For instance, in the good ‘old days, there were tools that suggested keyword densities (how often the keyword ought to be repeated on the page).

What’s more, that worked until it didn’t.

Different tools helped increase corresponding linking projects; others changed content, and those additionally worked until they didn’t.

The fact of the matter is that the software is made in light of what individuals think they are familiar with SEO at that point, and that is an assessment.

With regards to SEO, most opinions are in agreement with what every other person thinks. A few conclusions are somewhat bizarre and out there, or falsehoods. Furthermore, others are ahead of everybody else in not utilizing the SEO tools. He just said, Don’t depend on them to let you know what to write.

You may also like: 5 Best SEO Keyword Clustering Tools to Boost Your Rankings

Software tools depend on the level of information provided by the SEOs who make them. Also, frequently, that depends on whatever is moving right now, which is helpful and which is not.

There is seldom one settled-upon rule about SEO.

This means that for each tool you use, consistently utilize your own best judgment as a final decision-maker.

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Written by Hajra Naz


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