Google Search Console Fixing Report Delays

Google Search Console Fixing Report Delays

Google is working to fix delays and slow loading times with the Performance reports in Google Search Console. These issues happen occasionally, but Google usually resolves them. Sometimes, there are gaps in data, but that is very rare.

Currently, there is a delay of over 50 hours in the reports, although longer delays have happened before.

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A lot of people are complaining about this issue on social media and forums. Daniel Waisberg from Google mentioned that they are looking into it. Google also posted on X (formerly Twitter) saying they are working on the problem and will update when it’s fixed. They apologized for the inconvenience.

Here are the posts:

Google Search Console Fixing Report Delays

Google Search Console Fixing Report Delays

Though it’s not fixed yet, it should be shortly. Nothing particular needs to be done by you.

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