
Google Search helping with depression

Depression is a very common problem and Google is hoping to help people suffering from this issue through a screening quiz. The company is adding a questionnaire to specific search results in order to accomplish this noble goal. The purpose of this quiz is to allow people to take first steps to being diagnosed, USA Today reported.

Recently, it was announced by Google that the company will be adding PHQ-9 quiz for the users in U.S. to help them with clinical depression or other related searches on mobile devices. On mobile web browsers, this quiz will appear on both the Google app for iOS and Android. It is clinically validated and has the ability to access a user’s level of depression. The announcement was made by Google in partnership with The National Alliance on Mental Illness. According to the alliance, the ability to be aware of the depression can empower as well as educate users that will enable them a quicker access to treatment.

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Upon search of common queries by users such as “do I have depression?” they will be provided with the options as “check if you clinically depressed”. After answering nine questions, their level of depression will be determined and they will be suggested to consult a physician.

For the now, the quiz will appear only on mobile but the company plans to provide this opportunity to desktop users in future too. Google has been making a lot of effort for making its search results for medical conditions more helpful for its users. This is a good step by Google as many people are not even aware of their illness and do not consider getting a treatment their whole life.

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Written by mebeing


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