
Google’s latest acquisition can reduce the number of visits to clinics

GeekWire reports that a Seattle-based startup named as Senosis has acquired by Google recently. This startup basically develops mobile applications that can help to identify and monitor health conditions without requiring any additional hardware.

Led by a computer science and electrical engineering professor Shewtak Patel at the Washington University, Senosis is a startup that has developed tools to identify jaundice in infants along with measuring level with the help of just a phone’s camera. It has also developed an app that uses the smartphone’s mic to help detect lungs issues such as asthma and cystic fibrosis. These apps can be really useful for providing wellness solutions once these get approved by the health regulatory agencies. All such apps can be very helpful in developing countries as no expensive hardware is required for the process as well as no testing labs or accompanying personals are needed.

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The acquisition of this startup by Google will surely help the company to increase its efforts regarding health issues. This will a great opportunity as Google is already working on its AI firm DeepMind to detect the eye conditions to help fight against blindness. The fitness data is gathered by Google through a user’s phone as well as through the health trackers.

Until now, there are no reports of Google commenting on the recent acquisition as well as the company’s plan to run the startup. The Senosis team might be retained in Seattle to work with Google and become the base for the company’s health projects in future.

Via: TNW

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Written by BG Staff


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