
Google’s new app lets parents control their kid’s use of phones

Today’s technology has provided consumers with an infinite number of options to spend their time. Ranging from on-demand videos on television to smartphones to tablet and computers, the possibilities are endless. But this advancement has posed a threat to parent’s control over their kids. It has become a challenge for them to find the most effective way to protect their children from accessing adult content and the people they can communicate with.

As compared to their tech-savvy teens and pre-teens, parents always fear to keep up with their use of technology. They think that they need to become a computer expert in order to prevent their children from accessing content they consider deep inappropriate. Google which serves as a platform to answer every possible question consumers want to know has also found a solution for parent’s issue.

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It has introduced a new Android app named as Family Link for staying informed about their kids’ activities over the phone. Parents just need to create a Google account for this purpose and control their kids use of apps and for how much time. This app, however, is available only in the preview for now.


Parents do not need to become a computer engineer for keeping a check on their kids. For using the app kids are required a new Android device that runs Android 7.0 or above. Parents, on the other hand, need to download the app onto their own devices by creating an account for the child. Once it’s done, parents are required to sign up their kids for their own account. After all this, parents can now have a control to blacklist and whitelist apps they want their kids to install on their own devices.

Not only this, Family Link also allows parents to regulate the time spent on each app. It enables them to view reports of weekly use and allow them to set a limit for their kid’s use of the phone. Moreover, if parents want to completely lock their children’s devices for some time, they can do that too.

According to Google, the basic purpose of the app is for regulating the use of technology for children under the age of 13 as kids at this age are not allowed to have a Google account. Getting a new device for every kid might create a problem for some of the parents but it is a can be a big relief to know your kid’s every activity on phone. The use of smartphones has skyrocketed in recent years and luckily this helpful app will give parents a way to see what their children are doing on their phones.

You can get started by clicking on

Via: The Next Web

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Written by mebeing


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