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Govt Introduces New Laws to Control Social Media

Govt Introduces New Laws to Control Social Media

The sources claim that Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif has approved the authority to be established through a PECA Act amendment.

The Legal Reforms Committee of the Cabinet suggested the revised legislation and the creation of the Digital Rights Protection Authority. Regarding this bill, suggestions were requested from the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority, the Ministry of IT, and other relevant parties.

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Sources claim that the Ministry of IT and Telecom would form the Digital Rights Authority due to these amendments. The government will receive advice from the authorities on issues about digital rights. It will uphold rules and guarantee appropriate internet usage. To foster a healthy digital environment, the authorities will make it easier for social media companies to collaborate.

Digital Rights Authority, as envisioned, will control content on the internet. It will look into legal infractions on social media. The new PECA legislation violators will face consequences from the Digital Rights Authority. Additionally, the authority has the right to call witnesses and those responsible for infringement of digital rights. To enforce laws about digital rights, the Digital Rights Authority may also create regulations.

The federal cabinet will hear a bill that recommends the creation of the Digital Rights Protection Authority. Following Cabinet clearance, the newly proposed PECA bill 2024 will be introduced in Parliament. The authority will be constituted under the Ministry of IT and Telecom following permission from Pakistan’s president and parliament.

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Written by Hajra Naz


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