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Hacker exposes IOT Malware ‘Mirai’ Code

The most baffling and enigmatic mystery about a hacker’s mind has always interested the world of internet. Recently hackers revealed a computer code which can successfully launch attacks on websites.

The publicizing of ‘Mirai’ source code has put websites at a greater risk. The code been posted on a commonly used hacker forum and is believed to have a clue for the attack on Brian Krebs’s website in September.

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The attack on Krebs website was believed to be the biggest attack in the history but then the theme was followed by two similar attacks on a French hosting firm OVH. The security of the firm was targeted more than one terabits of data

According to the analysts these website attacks accessed a lot amount of data because of the unsecured and compromised devices including webcams, routers, thermostats, and DVRs. The insecurity of these devices led to a major data breech whereas these devices could have been controlled very easily by the owners.

The Mirai code that has been revealed by the hacker involves a built-in scanner which has the ability to scan for any possible unsecured devices. Such devices are then enrolled into a botnet which can be used to launch a DDOS which is a Distributed Denial of Service attack.

Dale Drew who is a Level 3 security officer who states that publicizing of this code will encourage the botnet operators to use this code for a new surge for small business and consumer IoT compromises. In order to take advantage from this code the botnet operators will command multi hundred thousand botnet-nodes and will hunt for a bigger inventory of IoT exploits which could be the beginning of a surge of attacks against the IoT devices.

For consumers, there is a big lesson to learn. It is suggested to be very careful with the security setup of the routers or any other internet connected devices.

Keeping a strong password can prevent hackers from attacks who are always on the lookout for unsecured devices.



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Written by BG Staff


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