
HEC bans NTS exam for admissions, scholarships

According to Daily Times, Higher Education Commission (HEC) has warned all the Pakistani recognised universities not to approach the NTS for conducting tests for admissions and scholarships.

The universities have been asked to conduct the Education Testing Service (ETC) for conducting tests for admissions and student scholarships.

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ETC (Education Testing Service) is a testing service launched by the HEC and will be functioning from next year – 2017. Most important part is, there will be no fees to pay for appearing in the tests.

The service will be introduced to facilitate students as it will be free of cost whereas NTS charges a fee from the students to appear in tests. This would be a great motivation for all students

Initially the council would conduct the test for undergraduate students and later for MS and PhD admissions as well”, Dr.Ahmed

Via: Daily Times

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Written by BG Staff


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