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Here is why Donald Trump felt the need to tweet about his mental stability

Earlier this morning, US President Donald Trump tweeted about his mental stability and later in the day he came and delivered a short speech while speaking to the media in a response to a book ‘Fire and Fury‘ written by the author Michael Wolf.

In his Tweet, President responded to Michael wolf saying he has never met the author recently or was interviewed in the oval office. President Trump also talked about Hilary Clinton in the tweet blaming her for playing the card very hard.

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When asked about the tweet, this is what Mr. Trump said from Camp David. He said the author is a fraud and he never had an interview with him recently.

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Video Via YouTube Channel Tom Boggioni / Pic Credits FaceBook

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Written by Hisham Sarwar

That is all you ever need to know about me but let me warn you, freelancing for me is a journey, certainly not a destination :)

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