
Here’s how you can drive more, free traffic to your website

generate traffic

Every person who is into blogging or content writing is worried that the traffic on their website is low. They check the analytics and find out, hardly any new visitors come to their website or blog.

Well, Engaging visitors will not happen overnight my friend. It will take some time and hard work to get your to blog indexed properly in different search engines. However, there are a few hidden paths that can help you generate traffic

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  • The best idea is to write good, highly trending content. It is always advised to use longer keywords. They help in getting indexed if the competition on that keyword is low. This leads to new users on your website.
  • Use Google search console to track your website’s health and performance. This will basically give you a complete visualization in regard to the keywords used.
  • Use High Definition Images. Images are the 1st key to entering the door of good traffic.
  • Keep your sentences short and paragraphs thinner. Emphasis on the delivery than the content.
  • Use more “I” s than “You”s. This will give the emphasis that you actively used than you have implied.
  • Courtesy plays a key role in not only sharing your landscape with another person but it works both ways. this way by sharing someone else blog you become a leech to their traffic as well.
  • Use backlinks. Backlinking basically refers to making a new post and putting a link to another article on your site that someone can refer people to. You can link exchange as well.
  • Be consistent meaning that you need a good balance between the frequency of articles to the content of the article. Post too many articles and traffic will only read what they like. Post content with a huge amount of information that people will most likely not view.
  • Sharing is caring. Sharing your content is the key and can deliver traffic to your website. Search engine optimizations also help in directing traffic to your blog
  • If the free option doesn’t work you can always use the paid option to boost your content.

Google loves content, so when you add content to your site, eventually Google will start to show content and populate the search terms. In order to make the process go faster, you can leverage the capital media, Pinterest, and whatever platforms you can think of, including word of mouth, to get more people to read your blog.

If your main target is to sell goods or services, your blog posts can help you look like an authority. Remember authority is a sign of trust and trust drives sales. It’s all interconnected.

So, in the end, it’s all about how you make those choices. In a freelance landscape, every choice is like a level of Bioware`s Mass Effect Saga. Every choice matters and does influence your endgame. Time is so critical that once gone it can’t be brought back.

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Written by Hina Javed Malik


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