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Higher Speed with Bluetooth 5

In tech industry, there is a significant demand for improved Bluetooth with new capabilities. The increasing number of IoT applications has forced Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) to make planned developments for this technology. Previewing highlights from its 2016’s technology road map, SIG has signaled the next version of Bluetooth 5.

According to reports, the latest version of the universal wireless technology includes longer range, higher speed, and mesh networking. It will have eight times the capacity for broadcasting messages. All these features will have a huge impact on increasing the importance of Bluetooth as a standard for connected home. Update of this new version Bluetooth also includes some of the fixes designed for controlling its interference with respect to other wireless technologies.

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The end of standard jack on iPhone 7 devices and the have pushed the upcoming version to be less focused towards audio. This is because most of the smartphone manufacturers are now insisting more on wireless headphone adoption. The technical updates that are planned for Bluetooth latest version will accelerate growth in IoT by providing a number of benefits for growing number of its applications.

The official release states that Bluetooth will continue embracing the technological advancements and will push the boundless potential of the internet of things. The early adoptions indicate that within next two to six months, we will be seeing first Bluetooth 5 devices.

Via: Tech Crunch

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Written by mebeing


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