In an attempt to improve education through technology, the Punjab government launched the Honhar Laptop Scholarship Program. Within 90 days, The program planned to offer 50,000 laptops for merit-based students across the province.
You’re at the right spot if you’re thinking how this program might help you or someone you know! Everything you need to know about the Honhar Laptop Scholarship Program will be covered in this guide, including application advice and requirements for eligibility.
The Honhar Laptop Scholarship Program: what’s behind it?
The aim of the Honhar Scholarship Program is to give students access to a laptop, which is a necessary instrument for their academic path. The aim of this program is to make study easier for students who might not have the resources to buy or maintain a computer. It recognizes that having access to technology may help students succeed by allowing them to finish projects, carry out research, and communicate with teachers.
Distribution of Laptops
There will be 50,000 laptops available, including 13th-generation, premium Core i7 machines. The first thirty(30) days will see the Delivery of first 5,000 laptops with the remaining laptops due by the 20th feburary 2025.
Exclusive Distributions
- 2,000 computers are set aside for minority group
- Along with a traditional Guard of Honor, laptops will be given to top-performing matric and undergraduate students
Scholarship Types
- Twenty thousand laptops for students at university
- 14,000 for undergraduate students.
- 2,000 for students studying medicine and dentistry.
- 4,000 for students studying agriculture and industry.
- 32% Reserved For Southern Punjab students.
Help for Female Students
18,000 female students will have all of their tuition costs erased for a maximum of five years under the Punjab Chief Minister’s Merit Scholarship Program.
How to apply
- Personal identification
- Proof of enrollment
- Educational documents
Candidates who complete the requirements can apply via their academic institutions. Students will be chosen on the strength of their academic achievement, with minority groups and high-achieving students receiving preference.