
How can you use Facebook live for business?

Marketers are really getting excited about the launch of Facebook live. For them it is a great way to communicate with their fans and followers by using the power of live video streaming. Facebook Live helps them to build authentic relationships with their audience without the restriction of any limited time duration.

In the past, broadcasting live videos was only possible through iOS and Android mobile devices but now Facebook’s Live Video publishing tool allow you to create professional looking live video content.

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Facebook in itself is a very big platform that provides connection with larger number of people but this new tool truly can make a difference. Now people can see live broad casts as well as view the recorded video.

But creating live content for video requires some tricks that can allow you to get the most out of this platform. Following are three different ways that can help you in this regard.

Increase viewership through Q&A:

If you are struggling to gain viewers through live video streams then Q&A sessions can help you stand out and attract more viewers for your content. Developing a business is not difficult but growing and maintaining an audience is a difficult task. If you have the information people like to know, you can interact and engage with your audience by providing them a unique and memorable experience with live videos.

Q&A sessions are also popular with Mark Zuckerberg, he engages his audience on a personal level through Facebook and build relationships with each of his viewers. In this way viewers are more interested in interacting with the personalities they look forward to.

Event and product launches:

Facebook Live works as a tool to share a moment instantly with your friends, family, fans, and followers. For business point of view, live streaming allows your fans and followers to have a look at your product even before it gets to the market.

Live streaming events and launches allow people to stay connected the whole time. They are always interested to see the struggles of creating a product and to personally know what happened throughout the process. Live streaming events and product launches grow viewership and capture the attention of viewers.

The basic purpose of covering events through Facebook live streaming is to break the routine of the viewers and get them to watch something unique and interesting.

Also See: Bye Bye Google+ Hangouts On Air. Google will discontinue Hangouts on Air from September 12th.

Tell viewers what happens behind the curtains:

When people see a successful business, they want to know the struggle that was involved in reaching to that point. They are always interested in knowing how their favorite personalities spend their time and manage tasks while operating their business. Telling people about your daily routine will make the viewer’s more attracted to your website. People always want to see something different and by providing details of your efforts and struggles will make them stick to your websites as permanent followers. Letting people participate makes a crucial difference when it comes to growing your viewership.

Viewers want to be engaged, be real and entertaining!

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Written by Hisham Sarwar

That is all you ever need to know about me but let me warn you, freelancing for me is a journey, certainly not a destination :)


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