
This Is How I Humanize My Writing, as a Pro-AI Writer and Editor

How I Humanize My Writing, as a Pro-AI Writer and Editor

The writing industry is facing an increasing challenge.

In other words, authors are falsely accused of utilizing artificial intelligence (AI).

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I don’t care if you support or oppose artificial intelligence. I understand both points of view.

Even if you worked hard for it yourself, I can appreciate the dissatisfaction of authors whose work shines on the AI detector platform. Furthermore, it goes beyond the ego boost that comes with being accused.

How AI Accusations Hurt Writers

This can sometimes directly limit your chances of success. Even if you didn’t use AI to develop your material, editors and content managers may still reject it. 

In addition to being a mental and emotional drag, this has a direct impact on your earnings. 

Naturally, this situation is unfair, as experts say. As an editor, I come across this nearly daily. 

My authors need a lot of support so they don’t think their work has been ignored. 

Sadly, everyone learns about AI, this will probably be the standard in the industry going forward.

There is yet another bitter pill to swallow too.

Even if AI checkers are not perfect, they do have data to support their conclusions.

For this reason, even though AI checkers are not perfect, I still utilize them for my work. Simply put, I don’t use them as the basis for every edit.

For you, what does this mean? You just have highly basic writing patterns if AI detectors flag your work.

This isn’t always a terrible thing. Who cares if you’re writing for yourself? Write as you see fit.

However, there is value in understanding how to get past AI detectors if you are a professional writer or are developing a brand.

Read more: The Rise of A.I in Content Writing: Identifying Usage and Evaluating Worth

The Superhuman Writing Principle

You have a unique writing voice if you can “pass” AI checkers. For whatever reason you are writing, that is advantageous.

To put it briefly, becoming an expert at relating to content will make you face out. There is an additional advantage.

You can truly employ AI successfully after you understand how to make your material more human. All without getting in trouble with your editors or facing complaints from AI checkers.

I refer to this type of writing as Superhuman Writing,” where you can use AI to write more effectively, more quickly, and with greater humanity.

As I try for that level, I’ve improved my abilities. I’ve developed a structure that I utilize every day to help me write, strengthening rather than reducing my humanity.

AI detectors never identify me.

I also help my writers in adopting this mindset and achieving the same degree of writing skill in my work.

And it’s all done with a straightforward foundation.

How I Humanize My Content: The Hourglass Framework

I usually go through two stages when modifying AI content:

  • Paring down
  • Building up

The paring-down shows that you have reached the most basic form of what you’re saying.

This can be a fact, an observation, or a clever joke. This is a useful practice even if you’re not employing AI. You need to be simple if you want your work so that you should be noticed. ‘I would have written a shorter letter if I had more time’ stated Blaise Pascal.

This is especially helpful when using AI, as you end up with a large number of words many are useless.

Minimize it, then. Remove everything that isn’t needed. Each level in this structure refers to some kind of unnecessary information that you should remove:

  • Top Level: Poor sentences or paragraphs, repetitive comments, and visions.
  • Mid Level: Remove weak words and phrases.
  • Bottom Level: Adjust for clarity. Words with three or more syllables should be replaced with simpler ones.

A work that goes right to the point would be the result of doing this correctly however, this is enough.

Next is building up.

This is the Tower in the picture below. When most people talk about providing the ‘human touch’, they really mean this. The things that really make your piece unique are the unprintable parts.

These, in my view, are parts that fall under several different categories.

  • Top Level: Personalities, style, and voice—the things that make sense to our human brains but are not grammatically perfect.
  • Mid Level: Personal opinions, strong positions, colorful stories, and opinions.
  • Bottom Level: Intimate, personal weaknesses.

Read More: 7 Best Writing Hacks Every Writer Must Know

Final Thoughts: Don’t Overcomplicate It

By now, you’re most likely feeling overloaded.

That’s at least six levels of editing, I understand!

Don’t worry it does not have to be that way. Yes, there are six stages if you follow it step-by-step. But as I often say life is not as tidy as a Medium post.

When revising, I believe you may quickly pose three questions that will help you summarize the Hourglass Framework in its entirety:

  • What do I want to say?
  • Have I removed everything that doesn’t support what I am asking?
  • Is this mine?

Naturally, you must first absorb the system to fully master those three questions. You must be aware of which particular components to add and which to eliminate.

In any case, how does the framework seem to you? Will it be helpful in your opinion, or is it needless garbage? Leave a comment below with your opinions.

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Written by Hajra Naz


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