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How to achieve your emotional resilience

Stress is an important part of the modern life; it is seemingly present everywhere and at all the time. The sources of stress start from the everyday tasks to the occurring of unexpected events such as deaths, natural disasters, and social upheavals that usually occur without warning. The cumulative effects of the stress no matter small or large, can pile up to wear you out before even you begin your journey towards your goals.

Although there is no escaping stress, there are ways you can learn to handle stress and become resilient to no matter what unexpected strikes your way. Being emotionally resilient helps you to bounce back faster from the impact and you will stay maximally flexible when you experience stress. Following are the few simple ways that can help you improve your emotional resilience:

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1. Recognize your emotions

Whatever feelings you go through bring an impact on your attitude and behavior. Therefore acknowledge the feelings of joy, jealousy, annoyance, happiness, worry etc. and allow yourself to feel them. Instead of trying to push them away, identify them accurately and learn more about them.

2. Be responsible for your emotions:

Do not consider yourself helpless the way you feel about people or situations. Playing the victim in a situation will affirm even your negative feelings. Instead, make yourself understand why you are feeling such emotions and do not allow the emotions to control you.

3. Act as an optimistic person:

The feelings of negativity can make you stressed, frustrated, and hopeless. But if you chose to see the positives, you can free yourself from anxiety. Learn to become optimistic and it will make you happier.

4. See from a different perspective:

The human tendency to focus on the negatives is an adaption of the brain but it was helpful only during the cave times. You can train your brain to look for positives and things that are possible. Appreciate even the smallest things around you and it will help you adapt to the occurring changes.

5. Keep a journal:

Writing about your feelings can help you confront even your deepest desires. When you start to write down your emotions, the complex emotions get released and your pain starts to reduce. According to experts, write about 15 minutes for almost 3-4 days. Once you have written you can ask yourself questions and how what best advice you can give to your own self.

6. Build a support system:

For your emotional well-being, you need social connection. Even connecting to one person can help you feel important and valued. It can help you share your emotions better and feel satisfied that you are not alone to face everything.

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Written by Hisham Sarwar

That is all you ever need to know about me but let me warn you, freelancing for me is a journey, certainly not a destination :)

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