To begin with, those who do not know anything about internet-based earning, take a look at and read till the end. This will give you a basic idea about how to earn money online.
Then go to, and search for the skill set you want to learn. In the price section, select “FREE” and enroll in that course for FREE and learn.
Give yourself 90 days, 45 days for learning, and 45 days for practice.
Create Multiple Social Media Presence:
- Create LinkedIn Account
- Create YouTube Account
- Create Facebook Page
- Create TikTok Account
- Create Instagram Account
Populate all these above accounts with videos, pictures, and posts about your skill set. Remember, the best way of growing in your niche is to teach people.
Create 7 GIGS related to your skill set on Make sure you use long tail keywords so your GIG is ranked amid high completion on this popular freelancing website.
Create Freelance Accounts:
Create Freelancing profiles on the following websites.
- Upwork
- Guru
- People Per Hour
- Freelancer
Start bidding on the projects. Keep in mind…
- Only Pick projects that match your expertise, and protect your (connects/bids).
- Bid on projects that seem real (Verified employer account, previous payment made to another freelancer).
- Use 7Rangi Formula (Thank me later 🙂).
- When a client sends you a message, respond quickly and professionally.
Remember, the only key to winning projects is to give clients box solutions your competitor is not giving. Tell them why you are different and a perfect fit for their job. The art of persuasion weighs a long way in the freelancing world.
When you win the freelance world, do not stop.
The reason is very simple. Freelancing or working in the GIG economy should be your starting point but not your destination. Think about multiple sources of income.
- Blog. For example, I own (I am a co-founder)
- Website (Amazing Hosting Offer)
- Digital Products (Games, online store)
- Affiliate Marketing
- Consultancy/Teaching
- YouTube
- Investing in Startups
Give yourself a fair one year *365* days but remember…
The success of your activities online is largely dependent on Digital Marketing because
Digital Marketers are the next millionaires”.
Learn how to put your product/service out there in the market, learn how to get eyeballs focused on you, learn how to advertise to the targeted audience, learn how to sell, and most importantly…
Learn how to retain existing clients.
Peace and Love,
Hisham Sarwar
About Me:
Facebook Group (Learning):