
How to Generate Linkable Content Ideas That Actually Work

How to Generate Linkable Content Ideas That Actually Work

Are you finding it hard to procure web links? Think about ways to brainstorm ideas for linkable content.

In this age of content suppression overloading, attracting links and engagement on generated content is an art form that can be mastered. So many types of content are available that being innovative will prove to be almost impossible.

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You need to think outside the box.

You should try this first: Do some thinking

Using this one tool will give you an edge over most.

From insurance to manufacturing, we have catered to all kinds of businesses, even those that most people would term bleak and unexciting. 

Nevertheless, some of our most successful campaigns were blue ocean because we were driven to seek the most out-of-the-box approach. 

Every campaign is like a riveting, interactive, and beautiful puzzle – a blend of psychology, creativity, and culture. Our creativity mentors help with content creation for Startups.

One of the questions I ask myself in the beginning when I need to devise strategies for a client or particular subject matter is: What would I want to find out?

 It is critical for us that our social media content elicits intrigue and has the potential to click, and one of the best ways how to do that is to inspire that curiosity that we all tend to have.

When thinking up ideas, consider ideas that will evoke a response. Depending on whether the response is happiness, anger, or concern, strategies that trigger an intense emotional reaction among users are the most effective.

Whenever we think of potential solutions around any issue, there’s typically a narrative or an angle we explore that would elicit a response.

Consider, for a client operating within the real estate industry, it would be inappropriate to depict housing as representing an increase in rates because what’s there new construction is pricy compared to ~5 years back. 

Instead, we depict how much more of a cash outlay is required for a house that has considerably shrunk in size. 

It is more reasonable to assume that such a viewpoint is more likely to create an appeal which will in turn bring about engagement and coverage.

Consider who would have an interest in seeing the material that you have created. Would it appeal to a section of people in a certain age, area, or even interest group? 

People, for instance, can come up with a very good movie script, however, if there exists no interested crowd, then it will not be a successful movie.

Google it

For starters, Google serves as an excellent tool to find out realms that need to be investigated further. 

It provides various hints (such as related questions, related queries, image packs, etc.) that allow you to think.

Merely typing in the specific topic, along with a simple question or two related to it into Google, and checking the first few suggestions is a good way to get your creative juices flowing. 

You can see what information people are trying to find out and what questions they have.

It must be emphasized that Google Images is probably the most advanced service to use in order to obtain topics and angles, so when I use Google and look for illustrations, I scroll through images instead because that will provide you with ideas as well. 

I appreciate how it organizes by question because it divides into subtopics which is just significantly more relevant to what’s current:

For ideas as well Google’s Dataset Search is a helpful place. In many ways, it provides you with statistics and data to aid in developing a visualized tale.

Search Reddit

Additionally, finding inspiration on Reddit turns out to be very easy. 

You can type in the topic, or specific keywords you would like coverage on or feel are relevant to the type of subreddits you want to cover and you can browse through various subreddits under it. 

See what is buzzing and how it compares to other popular content in that setting.

You can delve into an array of matters including questions directed at your audience, relevant topics, and pain points, and then work on developing a strategy that tackles that angle. 

Being helpful tends to pay off on Reddit and elsewhere. Another effective way to search through Reddit is the question analyzer tool featured on buzzsumo. 

Here, you search purely on the Reddit domain

To assist this phenomenon, I frequently switch to the related themes tab which helps me browse through terms and concepts that detail aspects of the topic I am interested in. 

Journalists write about other cool content” is another impressive feature of BuzzSumo, it analyzes the most exchanged materials written by journalists. 

All of that is possible for, once again, the only thing we have to do is to type in the desired keywords in the content qualifier, select a specific timeframe, and click 

View-only journalists

You have the option of sorting the results according to the engagement rates, number of tweets and links, or the evergreen score (i.e. this type of content receives more signals over a longer time). 

Never forget that none of these tools will give you a complete picture. You use them to get an orientation for further deepening and ideation about the issue at hand. 

The same applies to ChatGPT or Gemini: you can and should turn to them with a request to offer approaches that would be different from the research you have already done, custom- tailormade- quite unlike what you expect but -again- only as a first step. This is not a walk in the park for sure!

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Written by Hajra Naz


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