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3 Actionable Tips To Instantly Increase Your Facebook Followers

In the era of digitization, technology, and social media, Facebook presence is very important. It is a great networking tool to connect with friends and family and also peers from different industries.

Good social connectivity on Facebook results in strengthening your resourcefulness, a very important element for progressing forward in your personal and professional life. Facebook is the world’s largest social networking website. It has the number of users higher than the number of cars on the road, planes in the sky of any busiest city in the world.

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Those who take good advantage of social media networking enjoy its long-lasting advantages, especially in their professional life. I have been a great advocate of having a prominent Facebook presence as I have seen its benefits personally.

The people in your network help you in getting closer towards your goals.

So, the question is how can you effectively increase your Facebook followers and networking?.

I would like to give 3 actionable tips here, if followed closely, you can have good Facebook presence and followers within days.

1. Focus on valuable friend list building.

This is a preliminary step to build a prominent presence on Facebook. Start adding facebook friends by sending them a friend request. The ideal pick should be people from different walks of life and friends of friends.

You do not need to add friends you know only. Instead, a diversified friend list weighs in heavy. They can be requested if you need help and guidance down the road. Initially, it is all about building rapport with people and establish a great support system. When you see any good content on your friend timeline, share it and tag your friend to oblige them and also give them credit for the great share. The appreciation model follows everywhere, in real life as well as on social media. People like to be acknowledged and appreciated.

Similarly, when you share something interesting on your wall and you feel a friend would enjoy the content, there is no harm in tagging them in your post. This 2-way content sharing methodology helps you in outreach to more friends on the platform.

Here you can see, I have 4,733 friends on my Facebook. I did not get there overnight, it was a gradual process of adding, filtering list.

Currently, 27,365 people follow me on Facebook. Read on to learn ‘how did I get there’.

2. Share valuable content on your timeline.

Not everything needs to go on your timeline. Your Facebook profile should tell others about who you are, your preference and kind of content you like. I have experienced, an interesting profile talks about family (it gives confidence to other people to add them to their list), takes deep interest in their country economic and political situation (without overkilling posts) and also has a good sense of humor.

People share good content, if you focus on providing value, you gain a lot of popularity overnight.

Here is what one needs to focus on their timeline.

  • Create short but meaningful posts. Avoid posting depression, sorrows on your timeline. No one cares about your repeated problems.
  • Share pictures provoking thoughts and conveying a message
  • Share videos, Facebook loves media and video in particular. A good video gets shared and can bring you a lot of followers.
  • Ask questions, engage your friends and followers, for example, who is going to be the next US president or which team is going to win the next Cricket Worldcup?
  • Facebook live is an amazing feature. If you share valuable information by doing regular live streams, people begin to resonate with your ideas and are inclined to share on their timeline with ‘a call to action‘ if the knowledge provided is worth bringing in front of people.

When you follow the above routine regularly, the good content begins to attract comments from people and is shared too. Take a look at some of my recent posts on Facebook.

QnA session on Facebook

do school grades matter?

which team is going to win the worldcup?

3. Conduct meetups.

Try meeting your friends and followers in real life too. Announce a meetup at a public place, exchange ideas. It is a great way of networking and getting in touch with your virtual friends. Take selfies and post them on Facebook. This encourages more followers to follow you.

I have been repeating this process for many years and my followers’ list continues to grow. In the end, I believe, Facebook is all about 3 things.

  • Proving knowledge.
  • Sharing good information.
  • Engaging people.


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Written by Hisham Sarwar

That is all you ever need to know about me but let me warn you, freelancing for me is a journey, certainly not a destination :)


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