
How to judge your boss is truly great

For selecting your career, the best advice you can ever get is to pick your boss, not the job. It is no doubt difficult because the process we use to find work makes our boss choose us. Just having an interaction during the interview process makes it difficult to judge how he/she will actually be like. Above most other criteria, focusing on how our boss will be, changes how we pursue our job.

Living in today’s world, the workplace has dramatically changed for workers. The role of bosses or managers is not just limited to management. He/she is the person that won’t just shape our experience at a company but will also influence the rest of our career. For knowing whether you are working for a great boss, following are the five ways:

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Your boss acts like a coach:

On a playing field, gym, or in a therapy session, coaches are the powerful instruments of change. They help you with your lives so why not they are present in your workplace? Your job is like a game and who else can be a better coach than your boss. Truly great managers or bosses encourage and empower their employees to accomplish goals the same way as a trainer would. Such bosses believe in lifting up employees and help them with their career goals.

He knows about weaknesses but focuses on strengths:

For truly great bosses or managers, an employee’s weakness is obvious. They completely understand what their employees are good at and what the shortcomings are. They do not ignore to the weaknesses but focus on their employee’s strengths and help them shine with it.

They are interested in your story:

Great managers or bosses just do not want their vacant posts to be filled in; they are interested in people who are filling them up. They love to hear their story and knowing where they belong to. Great bosses build good relations with every employee and talk to them anything work or non-work related.

Embraces vulnerability:

Great bosses do not show that they are all perfect. They embrace their own weaknesses and never claim of being all-knowing and all-powerful. A true boss not only wants to hear the stories of their employees but also likes to share their own and tell who they are and what they have struggled through. People like to work for a human being rather than working for a robot with no emotions and vulnerability.

Embrace experimentation:

True bosses or managers do not always like to ask questions, they embrace experimentation and challenge the status quo. They always hope to come up with something much better by introducing a new technology, implementing new strategies, and redesigning the workplace.

Via: The Forbes

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Written by Hisham Sarwar

That is all you ever need to know about me but let me warn you, freelancing for me is a journey, certainly not a destination :)


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