
How to make money from freelance work?

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Freelance work at home jobs is gaining huge popularity in a time of economic crisis as the job market is going through depression all over the world. While it’s so important that the scum of the surface is not disturbed as more jobs are pivotal to economic prosperity, the struggle to make ends meet without a job or being employed is even tougher.

In such times of despair, freelancing opportunities show the light to those who are determined to cash on online opportunities. Self-employment is a blessing, you are the boss of your own. You decide your work hours, can work in your pajamas without worrying much about dressing up or going out, and have to angrily pave your way through huge lanes of traffic every morning. Self-employment has two options, one is entrepreneurship and the other is freelancing.

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Entrepreneurship is not a smooth ride, it requires a lot of patience and money to sustain in the long run whereas, in the case of freelancing, you are in complete control of your finances from the very beginning. You offer a service, get hired, and get paid instantly.

As a freelancer, the more you work, more you get paid and the cycle never stops.

Freelance work online requires you to learn a computer skill starting from administrative support service all the way to writing complex software codes.

To win projects, you need to have good communication skills and a great bid pitch that can set you apart from your competition.

The irresistible bid pitch for winning freelance work:

I have been freelancing for almost 2 decades. I have done many experiments, some have been successful while others, well luck wasn’t on my side. I am often asked, what are the Top Secrets of becoming a successful freelancer on and

I discovered this amazing bid response pitch couple of years back and it has done wonders. It has everything in it which could psychologically excite an employer’s interest to contact you for their project placement and possibly award you the project.

The amazing formula “7 Rangi Formula” as I usually name it addresses the client’s project placement in an organized way.

Here is the amazing “7 Rangi Formula” for freelance bids:

The bid response is divided into seven paragraphs and each paragraph has a unique significance.

1- Greetings.

2- Re stating employer project.

It is very important to tell the client that you’ve read their project requirement. It gives them a sense of security that you are not sending out a canned response, instead, you have read the project placement and written it according to the project requirement.

3- Introducing yourself.

  1. – Your intro.
  2. – Industries you have worked with.
  3. – Years of experience.
  4. – Your brand name (if any. If you do not have a brand name, don’t worry about it.).

4- What can you do for the project problem?

In this paragraph, you are required to write what can you do for the project. Are you capable enough, backed up by a similar past experience? You need to explain the process in detail so the client can comfortably contact you further.

5 – Portfolio.

Without portfolio links in your bid, the chances of getting noticed are dim. If you are a beginner, try working for free initially.

You can do that by offering your service to the people around you in order to get around 3 to 5 portfolio links. This will make your portfolio which can be shown in your bid on the freelance marketplace.

Always remember, in a freelance marketplace, never work for “FREE” to make your portfolio. You will never succeed and this hurts the value proposition too. Instead, like a soldier who gets a lot of training before stepping into a battlefield, create your portfolio by offering services to the people around you.

6 – Magic trick up your sleeves.

No one refuses free work. It builds confidence and shows your seriousness to the client to win their contract.

I would advise you, always include these two things in your proposals. They help a long way.

6a- Free Sample/Mockup. 

There is no harm in giving a brief sample relevant to the client’s requirement stated in the project placement.

If you are looking for freelance work as a graphic designer, create some portion of the artwork and protect it with your copyright logo to protect your interest from being ripped off.

The same goes for other skills, you can provide a free mockup to indulge the client into opening up further and contacting you for their work.

6b- Ask a question.

As a freelancer, you can not send a direct message to a client. Instead, if a client likes your proposal, they open PMB (project message board).

You’ve got to try everything to convince your client to talk to you. One potential way is by asking a legit or interesting question a client may be inclined to answer.

7- Closing.

Like every letter or a sales pitch, the freelance bid should be nicely closed with a “call to action” statement at the end such as “looking forward to your response” or “looking forward to your business“.

That’s about it. Try this amazing bid pitch and change it according to the project. Hopefully, you will strike a home run and make good some good freelance money.

Good luck. For any questions, I am usually found on this Facebook freelance group and have created a great range of freelancers to help you out.

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Written by Laiba Shahzad


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