
How to make people share your content

It must be amazing for you to look at posts that get tons of shares, likes, and comments to an average looking content. You might feel that why your stuff that is way better, cannot get so many shares and likes. When you are first starting out as an entrepreneur, you cannot expect to reach a high interaction level right in the beginning. But if you have been writing for a while and have failed to see any sharing going on with your content, following are the ways that can help you to step up.

Accept the two-way street:

If you want others to share and like your posts, than you have share and like their content as well. First of all search for writers you are fond of that belong to the same industry as yours. Then start sharing their content with your followers. When you will consistently share their content, you will definitely get some reciprocal in return.

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Share it in a proper manner:

Just pasting a link on your page does not make it a good sharing. Be creative while sharing content posted by other people by adding your own thoughts to it. You need to stand out from the rest if you want followers to share your stuff. The best way is to choose a line from their post that defines the true essence of the post and you will see more audience getting attracted towards it. It will help you to get noticed by a larger number of followers.

Ask nicely:

You cannot just bluntly ask people to share your content. Instead ask them nicely by explaining how beneficial it would be for them and their followers. Choose specific people who you think can help you with your kind of posts and always share valuable content for the audience.

Talk about others:

Your writing no doubt has to be original but there is no harm if you quote someone with their name for benefitting your audience. You can use relevant quotes and ideas from the posts of other people and bring their name in the limelight too.

Creating strategic alliance:

You are obviously not the one in your field, there might be millions of others working for the same reason. The trick to get noticed is to find the entrepreneurs who already have a targeted audience. By introducing them to your community, build relationships with these people. This is a great way to help each other find success and to develop strong friendships.

By following these tips, you will be able to see your content being shared a lot more than you have seen lately.

Via: Entrepreneur

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