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IBM Launches Free global platform ‘Open P-TECH’ focused on workplace learning and skills


IBM has announced the launch of Open P-TECH globally, a free online digital education platform focused on workplace learning and digital skills.

The platform aims to train 14-20-year old leaders, educators with training such as AI, cloud computing, cybersecurity, and many other professional skills such as Design thinking that are in huge demand by the industry all over the world. The program offers content in three languages, English, Portuguese, and Spanish.

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“As the pandemic accelerates digital transformation, new ways of learning must keep pace if we are to equip all young people with skills relevant to the digital era and marketplace,” said Ginni Rometty, IBM Executive Chairman. “On the one hand, this is a massive challenge; on the other, this presents a great opportunity to better prepare people for new collar careers.  Open P-TECH is a free platform designed to provide relevant workplace skills to anyone in the world so they can be successful in this digital era.” – Ginni Rometty, IBM Executive Chairman

The program P-TECH (Pathways to Technology Early College High School) was initially launched by IBM in 2011. The model has been adopted in 220 schools across 24 countries. Over 150,000 students. 600 corporate partners have participated in it.

Open P-TECH is now available to students and teachers worldwide. Register here:

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Written by Ahmed Shaami


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