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Increase your business sales by following these 3 ‘Free’ Facebook tricks

Facebook has more users than the number of cars on the road and planes in the sky at the same time all over the world. The world’s most widely used social networking website is not only used to connect with friends and families but also has become a strong medium for a prominent business presence.

Facebook Pages let businesses reach out to their potential customers through geographic presence and interest. Instead of traditional internet marketing typically done by marketers since early 2000, Facebook Pages are quickly changing the trend now.

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Facebook is building its reputation to become a one-stop shop for everything. The features like Facebook Marketplace, Classified and Fan and Business Pages clearly show Facebook’s intention of becoming a business that has everything under one roof for everyone.

Modern-day businesses ignore the potential of Facebook Page’s outreach. Facebook Pages are a very strong way of building your brand and raising awareness about your product and services to your potential customers. Since the internet is a huge medium, one picture or a video could get trending like rapid fire on the internet, raising instant awareness about your brand.

Following are the three most effective ways you can do in order to increase your brand awareness on Facebook

1. Video:

According to the latest statistics, 80% of the total global web traffic will be attributed to videos by 2020. It is estimated that about 95% of the message conveyed in the videos is registered in the minds of viewers who watch a video for more than 1 minute.

Facebook page owners are advised to create a lot of videos, and live streaming about their products and services as Facebook intends to take on traditional television and make Facebook a media platform in the future. You would have observed on your Facebook profile, after every 4 posts from your friends, you see a video from your Facebook page which is either promoted or trending based on higher views and comments.

2. Pictures

Videos and pictures also play an important role in attracting traffic to your business. You may have noticed many business pages on Facebook that strike a perfect balance between Videos, Live streams, and Pictures.

The picture is worth a thousand words. A good picture can spread on the internet and become trending, instantly raising awareness about your brand on Facebook.

3. Poll

The third most effective way of the engaging audience on your Facebook page is by using a poll. People feel empowered and special if they are asked about their opinion about a certain thing. Facebook pages can use the power of polls for getting an option, and build stats about their product and service. That pool result is very helpful in modifying your product and service for your potential customer.


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Written by Hina Javed Malik

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