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Instagram Dethrones Facebook as the King of Social Media

For years Facebook has been a king of social media, initially, it was dethroned by TikTok, a music video platform with over billion active users. Recently, it is reported that Instagram has more close following than Facebook. This means users are beginning to prefer Instagram more than Facebook.

Just to put things in perspective, Instagram is now a Facebook-owned company.

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A report published by SocialBakers indicates that Instagram has overtaken its Parent company, Facebook. It showed that Instagram Stories saw a 40% boost in advertising due to the exciting amount of opportunities that the platform offers. It also cites that Facebook did create posts but the number of interactions scored by Instagram is actually 20 times larger than Facebook.

The report also sheds light that the frequency of the video seen was posted on Instagram more than Facebook. This was mainly due to the Cambridge Analytica breach which hurt FB ad revenue.

I’ve got a question. Which social media website do you prefer the most? Instagram or Facebook. I would love to know your thoughts.

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Written by Sarmed Malik


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