
Is Work from home a thing of the past now – a closer look at remote working

A change in the trend as IBM calls back all remote workers back to office

Working remotely
Working from home

Earlier this year, IBM took a decision to call back its all remote workers. The news was subject to lot of discussion worldwide. IBM wanted all of their employees to work shoulder by shoulder under one roof in different parts of the world.

Let’s take a look at remote working as this new phenomenon is being followed almost all over the world now. Remote working is a growing trend and technology has helped remote workers unleash their true potential. Remote workers are considered more productive because they can connect to anything from anywhere at any time. Their control over their schedule makes them more efficient and productive than their office counterparts.

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There are so many advantages of working remotely but the disadvantages can also not be ignored.

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Lack of commute:

Desk workers are negatively affected by the long commutes they have to take to offices. It affects their productivity and focus. Remote workers have the advantage over office workers as they lack these commute times which allows them to be more productive at work.

Flexibility to more productive hours:

As remote workers are given the freedom to work on their own and according to their own scheduled timings, they produce more focused results when it comes to getting the work done.

Reduced costs:

Running an office requires expenditure. It includes all costs such as rent, bills, coffee, WiFi etc. however, when people work from home, and the costs reduce to a great level.

Focus on performance:

The biggest benefit of working from home is that they are determined solely by the work they produce. It is an independent setting which saves them from professional relationships getting political.


Lack of interaction:

The professional relationships that develop in an office environment cannot be created while working remotely. Remote workers are totally dependent on technology for their communication so if they lack the access to internet, they cannot build up better business relationships.

Lack of supervision:

Supervision in an office helps keep the entire working team on toes. But when it comes to working in an independent setting, it all depends on an individual’s ability to keep track of the projects and assignments.

Complicated communication:

Office environment encourages face-to-face interaction. The close working relationships encourage employees to work more realizing the competitive environment. All such things are not possible while working remotely.

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Written by mebeing


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