
Kazuo Ishiguro Wins Nobel Prize in Literature

Kazuo Ishiguro, 62 years old is an English novelist famous for his artistic composition in literature. He is well known in his circle as a writer of great integrity.

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Kazuo is famous for his novels “The Remains of the Day,” it is about a butler serving in the time before World War II and “Never Let Me Go,” a love story set in a British boarding school.

“If you mix Jane Austen and Franz Kafka then you have Kazuo Ishiguro in a nutshell, but you have to add a little bit of Marcel Proust into the mix,” said Sara Danius, the permanent secretary of The Swedish Academy. “Then you stir, but not too much, then you have his writings.”

His publisher, Mr. Ishiguro calls the news of award as “amazing and totally unexpected news.”

Kazuo Ishiguro was born in Japan but moved to England, Surrey when he was only 5 years old. His father was a oceanographer.

Two years ago, In an interview with The NY Times, Kazuo told that he developed interest in literature at a very young age when he read Sherlock Holmes stories in a local library.

“I was around 9 or 10, and I not only read obsessively about Holmes and Watson, I started to behave like them. I’d go to school and say things like: ‘Pray, be seated’ or ‘That is most singular.’ People at the time just put this down to my being Japanese,”

His first Novel was about a Japanese lady living in England A Pale View of Hills written in 1982.

The Nobel prize in Literature is typically awarded to the writer’s entire work portfolio and theme. Past winners have included international literary icons such as Ernest Hemingway, Gabriel García Márquez, Saul Bellow and Toni Morrison.

It is note worthy that out of 114 winners, only 14 women have received this prize since it was first awarded in 1901.

Via: NyTimes

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