
Launch of refurbished Galaxy Note 7s

The exploding batteries of Samsung Galaxy 7s forced the company to stop the sale last year. The recall of the world’s largest smartphone maker cost the company billions of dollars and also affected the reputation of the tech giant. But now, the company has officially announced that the Note 7 handsets and the new components are equipped with new batteries.

According to Samsung, the Galaxy Note fan Edition FE is a limited edition which will be distributed to South Korea on July 7th. The company for now only plans to sell 400,000 units of the device. After this sale, the company will make a final decision whether it wants to expand the sale to anywhere else. The device is priced $611 domestically which is kept very low as compared to Samsung’s previous version which was near $1,000.

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The company suffered a great loss last year when it to recall around three million of the Galaxy Note 7 handsets. The campaign groups had expressed a great concern in the discard of these handsets, therefore, the company thought of getting involved in an environment-friendly project for minimizing the waste of resources. The recall of the device by the tech giant was surely embarrassing for the company but the launch of its flagship device Galaxy S8 succeeded in getting some positive reviews for the brand name.

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