
Life is organic, it is not linear, it demands self actualization

Self actualization is very important for staying steady in what we do and to become successful in the future. It is very unfortunate that despite of the fact we know we are wrong, we don’t admit the outcome of our planning.

One needs to realize that the scope of success in life lies in individuals, not the field they choose or belong to. If someone is good at decision making and foresees an opportunity in the future. If they have an ability to call the shots, the chances of them hitting the finish line is far better than those who can’t make a decision.

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Such people typically go through the motions in their life and let the time and circumstances decide their fate.

As Rabindranath Tagore said, You can’t cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water.

If you have a courage to make a decision, you have the courage to succeed too. Life has a strange way of signalling out the miscalculations in a form of disappointment. As a human, it is important to understand that when a decision does not work as planned, one should be flexible to admit the fault and call for a change.

Sometimes, decisions backfire, it’s okay, this is life. The pressure of failure must be absorbed. The ability to withhold the pressure is a true recipe of getting into a chance of hitting the road to success.

Remember, even the water stinks if it is not moving. One needs to be moving and adaptive to the changes in life or be prepared to lose if they don’t admit their fault. When you fail, assess the reasons of failure and come-up with a better plan.

Life is organic, it is not linear, it demands self actualization and an ability to keep moving forward. If you don’t make a decision or do self actualization if your decision fails, you will lose either way in the journey of life.

Experiencing the storm is essential to achieve peace, sail your way through.

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Written by Hisham Sarwar

That is all you ever need to know about me but let me warn you, freelancing for me is a journey, certainly not a destination :)

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