
Limofied, Australian ride sharing service is coming to Pakistan

The marketplace for transportation service is developing rapidly with a lot of exciting innovative services and choices. This has challenged cities to work and ensure mobility, access, and reliability across their systems. By far the biggest new entry in the marketplace comes under the heading of “ride-sharing” services.

Cities are leveraging the emergence of ride-sharing services to attain broader policy goals including improved mobility for underserved population, alternatives to car ownership, and other services to compliment public transit. In US such services are being provided to the overall urban transportation system.

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But now a player is entering the Pakistani transportation market caled Limofied, an Australian-owned ride-share, car-hire, and car-booking app, is being launched in the country. This app allows passengers to submit a trip request through their smartphones. This request will be then sent to the nearest Limofied drivers who will provide transportation services to consumers in their registered vehicles.

A special feature of Limofied for travelling is that it provides female drivers for female passengers. This feature can make it more appealing from a cultural and social aspect in a country like Pakistan.

The service will allow passengers to book a car for their travelling to different points and airport transfers. For corporate clients this service will also provide wedding and special event facilities along with vacation travelling options. It will be launched in Lahore on December 17.

Visit their website at

Via: Tribune

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Written by BG Staff


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