Listen to Your Favorite Spotify Tracks on Instagram

Instagram may be gearing up to enhance its musical features, according to mobile developer Alessandro Paluzzi. Paluzzi discovered hints in Instagram’s code about a possible real-time Spotify integration. This new feature of Instagram could automatically generate Notes on users’ profiles based on their Spotify listening habits, giving a snapshot of their current music preferences.

Listen to Your Favorite Spotify Tracks on Instagram

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Though Instagram has not officially confirmed this, Paluzzi’s findings suggest a closer link between Instagram and Spotify. Real-time music integration is not a novel concept; Discord already offers a similar feature, and Instagram users can currently share Spotify tracks in Stories or Notes.

However, Instagram’s use patterns differ from Discord’s. Instagram is typically used for shorter, intermittent sessions, which may impact the effectiveness and adoption of real-time music features. For now, the feature remains in development, and it may be some time before it’s officially launched.

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