
The First Thing You lose as a Freelancer is Your Identity: Here’s How

The first Thing You lose as a Freelancer is Your Identity.

Unlike in traditional employment, you do not always have a job title when you work for yourself. One must be made for oneself. And there’s the unsettling question that worries some people: Do you even exist in our society if you don’t have a professional title?

This question can make people feel anxious about freelancing. This is so that you can abandon the notion that working a 9 to 5 job is the sole path to financial security and respect from others. You’ll have to bid adieu to the way society perceives you. Letting go of your old identity and forging a new one is the hardest aspect of your freelance adventure.

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The Death of your Old Self

Whether it’s getting up at a high school reunion or confronting a prospective employee at a meeting, there comes a time when you can understand that your all-day persona no longer fits your identity. It doesn’t really mirror your ongoing educational encounters, and it probably won’t line up with your future desires. You wind up between two worlds—the old one and the new one.

You cannot just close this fresh chapter and return to the way things were. You can’t unlearn the flexibility of creating your schedule and concentrating on jobs that are genuinely important to you as a freelancer once you’ve experienced it. You’re still forming into your new self; you’re in a transitional stage.

The freelance mindset presents a challenge and a unique strength: the ability to separate your identity from how you earn a living to cover your basic needs like food and shelter. Our identities are far more expansive than our jobs. We have rich, multifaceted souls.

Assuming you question this, recollect your primary school days. You could read, solve numerical problems, participate in sports, create art, and do everything over again the following day. With so many activities, you couldn’t pick just one as your core identity – it was still something you were developing. As an adult, you have the freedom to revisit that state of limitless potential.

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Coping with the loss of your Old Self

Recognizing the major shifts in our lives is the first step towards making a fresh start. You can feel as though something is missing, even if you’re moving closer to your perfect existence.

For some, it’s the loss of their former professional selves, the identities that others knew about them. Some lament their lack of financial stability. It’s possible that you supported your family financially for a while but now depend on your partner.

Some may have feelings of social identity loss, a sense of alienation from their group or team, and occasional misinterpretation by strangers. The loss of a dream that was not realized comes last.

It’s acceptable to feel miserable on the off chance that you feel like you’ve lost something while changing from a full-time job to freelancing. You are allowed to grieve; your sentiments are valid.

Anyway, how would you do that?

The answer is simple, and simultaneously, it’s troublesome. First, you really want to see that while you’re going through a loss of identity, it’s fundamental to lament. This implies figuring out that your sensations of sadness, confusion, or not knowing what your identity is any longer are indications of something greater.

The next step is acceptance. Accept that your life is changing; it’s not what you expected, and your relationships are shifting as a result. Be kind to yourself. When you acknowledge these things, you can more readily manage your sentiments. Ultimately, you’ll need to sort out what parts of your identity you have some control over and let go of the ones you can’t.

This interaction requires some investment, practice, and a lot of tolerance. Be delicate with yourself. This work will require some time.


What occurs after you’ve managed the loss of your identity and all the misery that accompanied it? You get to make a shiny, brand-new identity that suits your life as a freelancer. Picture it like a glorious phoenix miraculously rising like a phoenix after your past self. How does this new identity develop?

Indeed, it’s like trusting that a child will be conceived. There’s a point at which you realize something new is developing; however, it hasn’t shown up yet, and spreading your wings is as yet a distant dream. This holding-up time is somewhat chaotic, and individuals probably won’t grasp it. You might find yourself in this in-between space for a while.

I sure did. It’s the point at which you’re lost for words when somebody asks how you make ends meet. You could feel like you have such countless different sides to you that you can’t make sense of everything in a sentence or social media bio.

Yet, on the off chance that you let this chaotic stage occur, something astonishing will emerge from it. You’ll start to see which professional identities make you feel good, which ones get people talking with you, and which ones help you find clients or do well in job interviews.

Let’s be clear: This process of starting fresh is tough. Some people stay stuck in this messy middle for a long time, and I did, too, for many years. Some decide it’s just too hard and go back to their old job identity. But those who keep going come out on the other side as heroes, reborn in this new world.

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What you do doesn’t define you.

What your personality is isn’t just about how you do for work. Our general public frequently attempts to cause us to accept that our jobs define us, yet we don’t need to get involved with that thought.

A great many people need to isolate themselves from their jobs. Psychiatrist David Burns has seen numerous patients who feel that their work achievement is equivalent to their value personally, regardless of whether they understand it. This conviction is an issue for some reasons:

  • It’s not true.
  • It’s impossible always to meet.
  • It can lead to anxiety and depression.

Expecting that you partner your self-esteem  with your work, it’s challenging to detach when things turn out inadequately based on how you feel about yourself. In the event that you don’t get an advancement or your work project doesn’t get along nicely, if you think these things value your actual worth personally, you’ll wind up feeling unhappy. You might also be afraid to take chances that could help you grow and to ask for better pay or a higher job title.

All things being equal, isolating your self-esteem from your work execution can safeguard you from the promising and less promising times of your work life. This attitude can make you more open to realizing when things don’t go as expected, more able to face challenges and pay attention to criticism, and more grounded over the long haul.

And guess what: Freelancers manage confidence consistently. We’re on the cutting edge, where our identity is tested when we connect with new clients, meet new individuals, or pursue large choices. To find true success as a freelancer, to continue onward, to work on our pitches, and to manage vulnerability when individuals don’t exactly comprehend us, we need to acknowledge that we are something other than a task title.

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Whether we are freelancers or have regular jobs, we’re as yet unchanged individuals. Whether we get compensated sporadically or at regular intervals, we’re as yet unchanged individuals. This consistency in our healthy self-awareness permits us to moor our identity in something greater and more significant. It urges us to think past where we are currently and find the reason why we love our work and where we need to go from here on out.

Keeping your Self-Worth apart

On the off chance that you imagine that your value as an individual is about your job, you’re in good company; many individuals feel as such. Yet, it’s a major objective in the emotional well-being world to assist you in understanding that your occupation doesn’t define your worth.

There’s a stunt you can use to assist with breaking this belief. Think about it like a race. Imagine one individual has a sparkly, quick vehicle while someone else has a simple bike. The car might seem cooler and more impressive, but it doesn’t make the car owner a better or more valuable person than the one with the bicycle. The car is just a thing they have; it doesn’t define their worth as a person.

Who are you now?

The big question is, “Who are you?” This is a fascinating inquiry since it permits you to begin once again and fabricate another persona in view of your past job identity.  A portion of your social life, personal life, and professional life may all be included in this new you. It’s a rare opportunity to present yourself to the discussion fully.

At the point when we used to work in workplaces, we could prepare for work, complete our appointed assignments, and then get back to being our “real” selves. In any case, things never again work that way. These days, a ton of us telecommute, showcasing our lives for other people. This shows that it’s turning out to be harder to keep our unique sides separated.

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Fortunately, this is a better approach to improving. We don’t have a “work” self and a “real” self in a similar confounding way as in the past. Presently, we have one self, and we really want to figure out some way to make it fit into various circumstances. Consider yourself a programmer, an artist, or anything new you pick. Challenge yourself to use these new identities, even if you’re just starting or not as skilled as you want to be.

Assuming that your new identity implies something to you, it’s legitimate. You can continuously work on your skills, regardless of where you’re starting from. In conclusion, let the world know about your new identity! Share it at a night gathering, put it on your site, or update your social media profile.

The subject of how you make ends meet is still significant in our way of life, yet we can figure out how to answer it basically and genuinely in a manner that matches our real lives.

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Written by Hajra Naz


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