
Make improvements to your business by adopting 6 things

Due to economy, taxes, and globalization, it has become difficult to run a business successful. It is because a business is never static, it is either on an upward track, or it is on its way down. It all depends on making the right choices and keeping customers for prospering and surviving in today’s highly competitive marketplace. With competition growing daily, it is becoming crucial to implement measures that can make a positive impact on your business.

Following are the few strategies that you can adopt to improve your business;

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Go for a lunch with former clients:

There will be many people who no longer use your services. Make a list of those people who left buying your product or using your service. Connect to them and offer to treat them with lunch. Pick a good place for your former clients and do not rely on take aways. The purpose of this lunch would be to know where you went wrong that they left using your service or product. Listen patiently to what they tell you, ask questions from them, and thank them for their time. in the end, offer them a ten percent discount on your services for a whole year. This will help you to mprove your business on a greater level.

Get accounting lessons:

Unless you understand about accounting, you won’t have any idea what is going on with your business. Using a bookkeeper in the initial years is good for your business but you must learn to do it on your own. You can join evening classes that teach the basics about accounting and bookkeeping software programs. But if still you prefer to keep someone else for bookkeeping, then spend time with them to learn about the accounting statements of the past quarter. Understand as much about the number by yourself as you can and make strategies to take them upward.

Keep a check on the invoices:

As soon as you finish a particular job for a client, your detailed invoice should be sent indicating how much you paid. Always remember to place a due date for payment on each invoice so that clients pay you on time.

Reach out to the community:

With technology taking over human brain, people have no time to get engaged with their community. But for your own business prospects, it is very important to get involved in your community and make it a stronger one. Volunteer, get involved in local politics, or join a local civic group. Whatever time you will invest in your community, you will gain benefits greater than you have imagined.

Hire cheaper employees:

There are many employees who have worked as executives in their time but now are too old to get back in the race. Hire them for and get advantage of their experience and learn from them as well.

Get organized:

When you feel your computer is getting slow, it is not necessary it is because of any reason. You simply have too much stuff on your hard drive that needs to be cleared. Therefore, back up all your Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc. files onto a data compact disk and remove all the files except the ones that are important for you. Also empty the cookie folders and anything in the temporary internet files folder. Also, delete your sent items and deleted items folders to make the process efficient. Don’t forget to back all your important messages onto a CD from your e-mail program.

Via: Entrepreneur

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Written by Hisham Sarwar

That is all you ever need to know about me but let me warn you, freelancing for me is a journey, certainly not a destination :)

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