
Stop Making Boring Content: Do This Instead

Stop Making Boring Content: Do This Instead

You can make things right now.

If you don’t want to read, just write down some ideas on big paper. You could think of lots of ideas for apps, books, or things to sell.

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It’s easy to think of ideas. Ask other people online.

You can make a website and ask friends to try it. You can write about your idea and say you are the boss or writer. You can make a simple page, write a little book, and tell people about it.

The hard part is making something people like. You don’t want your idea to fail because no one likes it. It feels bad when no one cares about your work.

Want people to care? 

Here’s how.

Only Make What You Care About

If you want people to truly like something, you need to like it too. If you don’t care, it will show in the final thing.

Why is this?

Making things is hard. Making things you don’t like is even harder.

Taking genuine pride in your work is the only way to push through when you’re not feeling motivated to work.

Want others to care? 

You must care first.

Make Things For Real People

The best writing advice I ever got was to write for a real person I know. Each time I start to make something, I think of someone who would like it.

If you care enough to make something, ask yourself: Who am I making this for? What do they need to know? What words will make them stop and think?

What is their biggest problem that this can fix? What secret story can my book find and make them feel something real?

Don’t think of your readers as a big group of unknown people.

Imagine your readers are real people with feelings and life stories. This will change how you see things.

You want people to care?

You must know what will make them care.

Ask Yourself If You Fit The Project

You need to ask your heart if you have the guts, the power, the want, and the love to make what you dream.

Think hard about it, cause when you first think of something cool, you can get so into it, that you can’t see other stuff.

It’s easy to mix up being excited with wanting, having power, and knowing how.

When that happy feeling starts to go away, or you get used to it, you might see that you don’t have the real strong stuff to finish and do it.

That’s okay; it’s fine to see that something isn’t for you. Maybe there’s a different thing that is.

It’s not just about liking what you make – it has to feel right inside.

Do you want others to like it?

Only work on things that feel good.

Don’t Do Anything To Be Someone

Have you watched those shows where people sing? You know, the ones on TV? You’ve likely seen lots of young people with shiny eyes, holding mics, talking about their dreams. They say they wanted to sing since they were small.

Most times, they don’t want to sing. They want the fancy life and easy work that comes with being a singer.

If singing was all they cared about, they wouldn’t be on TV shows. They’d be singing everywhere, writing songs, and making music.

That holds for all that you create content. Which would you prefer—making it or being the one who does?

If you don’t love making things and trying every day, just stop.

You want people to like you? 

They should like what you make, not you.

Work. Work Hard.

If you want to make a book that makes people sad, work hard.

If you want to start a business that helps lots of people, work hard.

If you want to draw funny pictures that show who you are, work hard.

Want people to like what you do?

Work hard.

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Written by Hajra Naz


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