
Make yourself happier in less than 30 seconds by following 6 simple things

Feeling happy all the time is a real struggle nowadays. We fail to embrace the wonderful emotions within us that make us feel alive. These are the emotions that keep us happy and give us the hope. But when we are caught up in our daily routine, it seems difficult to feel these emotions. We think that staying happy requires time but the good news is, feeling happy is just a matter of 30 seconds. There are few ways that can make you happier in less time and can improve your overall well-being.

Following are the few ways:

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A long deep breath:

When life feels like choking you up, then you need a break. The best way is to take a long breath and inhale and exhale a few times. After that take a long, slow, and deep breathe to remind yourself that you are alive and things do happen for a reason. It will help you to calm down and focus on the work that needs to be completed.

Be grateful for what you have:

When you are grateful for things that you already have, you feel happy each day. Be grateful for the things that are going well in life. When you don’t feel like going to work, then think of your legs a blessing that can take you wherever you want to.


In our daily hectic life, we forget to smile. Even if you don’t want to, put a smile on your face and you will definitely get a boost in your mood. It will help you to relax and you will look better while smiling.

Name your feelings:

When we get anxious, we get caught up in a vicious cycle that leads us to anxiety and depression. Instead of feeling sad, name those feelings and make an effort to improve them. Don’t be ashamed the way you feel, give them names and let go of them.

Be thankful to yourself:

It is advised to practice gratitude, but you should also practice it with yourself. You without any experience have gotten this far in life; you deserve to be thanked by yourself. Even when you feel that your whole world is falling part, pick yourself up by reminding the things you have achieved for yourself.

Keep pictures of those you love:

Life gets irritating at times and makes you feel like giving up on everything. If this happens, then remind yourself the reasons for which you are doing your work, getting up every day, and doing it all over again. Place pictures of your family or people whom you want to support, and this will keep you motivated for your work and will keep you happy.

Via: Hack Spirit

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Written by Hisham Sarwar

That is all you ever need to know about me but let me warn you, freelancing for me is a journey, certainly not a destination :)

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