
Why time management is important?

People are often confused when they brainstorm about time management. The usual concerns are, is time management a skill, can it be learned?. How can it reduce success and why time management is important?How often do you find yourself tearing your hair out because you are unable to find time to return a call, have lunch, or even breathe? If that’s where you find yourself, then it means you are losing control of your time and life.

For achieving success, you need to master one skill and that is the skill of time management. Put yourself on clock. The one reason why successful people have achieved so much in life is because of their ability to manage time.

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For this purpose, you will not have to change only your routine but also the way you approach time. Here is how to time management can make you smarter and reduce stress.

1. Checking emails:

Do not allow your time to get wasted on checking emails again and again in a day. This can distract you from your preferred projects.

Using your time wisely will open up new doors of opportunities for you and your life will fall into place. There will be no longer running after getting the tasks completed or going out of breath. A better time management will make you more composed, relax, and stress-free. This will help you see life from a different perspective which will definitely be a more optimistic one.

2. Plan Ahead:

Before starting your week, it is always best to plan ahead. Sit down in a noiseless place for up to 20 minutes and think what things you want to accomplish in the week ahead. Keep a notepad and write down the important projects you want to work on.

3. Prioritize:

While planning your week ahead, always rank the important projects first, and then move down to the ones that are least important.

4. Keep a track of your time:

For managing your time, the most important thing is to keep a track of your time. Find out where your time goes, what are the things that consume most of your time and then analyze the outcomes.

5. Block time in your schedule:

The high-priority tasks always take more time, therefore it’s important to schedule the time for these first. After that, block out time for your medium-priority projects. You may not find time for lesser priority project and in that case you will have to push back on certain requests. You may have to work longer hours in order to get the lesser priority tasks completed.

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Written by mebeing


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