
Become Top 1% of Income Earners with Just “1 Hour Rule a Day”

Maximize Your Income with Just One Hour a Day

I also got tricked.

I used to think my life was crazy and busy. Too much stuff going on, and not enough time to learn new things I liked. To be good at something, I thought I needed to study a lot, maybe even ten thousand hours.

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When I saw how much work it was, I felt really bad. I felt like my work was just a tiny bit. It didn’t appear like it would be very beneficial.

Then I read something smart by Earl Nightingale:

“One hour per day of study in your chosen field is all it takes. One hour per day of study will put you at the top of your field within three years. Within five years you’ll be a national authority. In seven years, you can be one of the best people in the world at what you do — Earl Nightingale”

I did not trust it. Maybe this was true long ago – in Nightingale’s time. But now, everyone has books, talks, and smart lessons on their phone.

Can I be best with just one hour of reading each day?

If you read a book in your chosen field for one hour a day, that would translate to 1 book per week. 1 book per week translates to about 50 books per year — Brian Tracy

A study conducted in 2023 by YouGov examined the amount of books that individuals read. It was discovered that only one adult in every hundred in the United States reads more than fifty books annually.

Still unsure, I wanted to check the facts and if the info works for everyone. But no more looking deeper. There is something here for sure.

Most people don’t use the many ways to learn new things. Even those who read books don’t have a clear reason to do it. I agree, it can happen. You can become really good at something by reading about it for one hour daily.

But first, you need to plan how to do this well.

In this piece, I will tell you ways to become great at your job by reading for one hour daily.

Don’t Be Cheap About Learning

All people who love to learn must put money into themselves.

This won’t make you poor if you do it smart.

Even people who save money have things they like to spend on.

“I know it’s expensive, but it makes me happy!”

I’m saying that spending a little of your pay on learning won’t hurt.

You can slowly build a book collection and learn by reading often.

What if you don’t have much money?

I use Thriftbooks (not paid to say this) to help me read more.

  • With $20 to $30 each month, you can buy almost new books on many topics.

If you are honest, you could spend more money.

Getting books should not be special or hard. It helps you learn and grow.

Pick the Right Books

Not all books are the same.

Be careful when looking for books to buy.

Ask good questions and find helpful answers.

What are the smartest people reading?

What are the experts writing about?

I sometimes find book ideas on Reddit, but I always check other places too:

  • Book reviews and ideas on Amazon and Goodreads.
  • Read what books are about and who wrote them. Knowing about the writer helps.
  • Ask what the best people in the field read.

Pick a time to read every day 

You might become accustomed to something by doing it every day at the same time.

I know no better method to keep to my schedule than this one.

I use alarms to stop using phones and read before sleep.

It’s easy to set these up, but they help.

Read More: 7 Essential Books You Must Read to Achieve Success

Smart Reading

Don’t read a book from start to finish. You can pick what to read based on what you want to learn.

It’s easy to do:

  • Look at what the book is about before you buy it.
  • Learn about the writer before you start.
  • Read the book’s start.
  • Think of three things you want to know.
  • Find the part of the book that tells you the first thing. Write down what you learn.
  • Do this for all three things.

This helps you think about things before you read the whole book.

You also use your time better and learn what you want.

The best ways to do things are often the easiest.

How would you like to be smart about money with four easy steps?

You can start doing this today.

Here’s a quick idea to remember:

  • Save a little bit of your money for learning, 
  • Pick the right things to learn from, 
  • Read something every day, 
  • and Read with a plan.
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Written by Hajra Naz


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