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Meet Internet Millionaire, Muhammad Farooq Afridi from Pakistan

Dreams have no end, dreams should never end and I dream of growing higher and do better with my apps.

Muhammad Farooq Afridi is an enterprising iOS developer from Peshawar with a struggling background. Belonging to a middle class family from Peshawar, his father invested in the education of his kids. Farooq was always an average student all throughout his education career but somehow had this strong desire for internet business.

I always thought there is a life out there on internet and one should capitalize on that. specially with online apps because the canvas is big, market is huge and opportunity is immense.

Early Life:

Being an average student and after completing his bachelors in computer sciences, like many people from his region, he came to Islamabad in search of a job. While at job he learned the art of coding iOS apps and quickly adapted the best coding standards for Apple. He worked as an employee for couple of companies before realizing his passion lies with entrepreneurship and he wants to start his own business.

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I had a good job experience but I was almost done with it, it was never my cup of tea and I wanted to do something for myself, my family and wanted to do big and better. I was never worried how long it will take, but the objective of succeeding online was my ultimate goal.

After quitting his job in 2011, Farooq started a small shop with limited budget, he started by renting-in a small place in Islamabad and started creating iOS apps for himself. The response initially was not good but I was determined to wait for that golden day when one app would click on Apple store and rest will be history. With Luck and prayers of my parents on my side, my apps starting doing well in 3rd quarter of 2011 and since then I have never looked back.

I have created 104 apps on iTunes store, some do exceptionally well, some are doing business I call “round about okay.


Farooq says he has not updated most of the apps in recent months because he is focusing on building new apps now after analyzing latest trends and hopes these new apps will do even better the the existing ones. Farooq typically earns around 450-1200 US$ a month from his 104 apps on iTunes and has been earning it for few years now. Here is his July, 2016 statement of earnings (first screen) on iTunes and you can see, his apps are doing business all over the world.


For a store to succeed online, one must factor in the global audience, if you are creating apps for one country or market, the chances are you will earn limited money but at global canvas, it naturally means global audience and therefore better revenue.

5 Hot Selling Apps:

Farooq’s five best business apps on iTunes are:

1, Urdu Keyboard + Themes

2, Face Shape & Styles

3, Urdu English Dictionary

4, My Photo Dreamer HD

5, Walls and Screens for iPhone 5, 5s, 6, 6Plus

Future Plans:

With iPhone 7 released, I have to update my apps for new iOS10 and create new apps (already working) which could do even better business then the existing ones. People do not realize the building app is a serious business, it is like putting your business on a auto-pillot where next morning when you wake up, you see more engagement, better sales.

This is the best part of doing apps, you never know what has next morning got in it for you and I am excited about this prospect.

You can follow Muhammad Farooq Afridi on Facebook at


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