
5 Must Read Books Of All Time – Popular & Highly Recommended

must read books all time

For becoming well-rounded, you need to have broader interests and a cosmopolitan outlook. You need to converse on a variety of topics and have a sense of what’s going on around the world. But for acquiring all that, you need to read. This is what most successful people do in order to broaden their knowledge and widen their perspective.

But not every book can get you where you need to be and for that, you need to know what to read. Following is the list of five must-read books that help you in expanding your worldview and to gain insight if you want to be successful. These books are the most popular books of all time and are highly recommended.

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1. The 48 Laws of Power:

Author: Robert Greene

Three thousand years of history of power has been distilled by Robert Greene into this book that is drawn from the philosophies of Machiavelli, Sun Tzu, and stories of other politicians throughout history.

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2. The Leadership Gap:

Author: Lolly Daskal

In this book, Lolly Daskal explains how leadership gaps can be identified and leveraged in order to achieve success. The author tries to draw the attention that when successful leaders begin to feel challenged at work, they continue to rely on the skill set that has always worked for them even when it is no longer effective.

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3. Turn the ship around:

Author: L. David Marquet

This is considered one of the best business books of all time as it provides timeless principles of empowering leadership. Published in 2013, this book inspired readers with the true story of Captain David’s Marquet. The insights of this naval academy graduate have been applied by many in their organizations creating workplaces where people are responsible for their own actions.

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4. Give and take:

Author: Adam Grant

This book explains how success is dependent on the way we interact with other people. The author Adam Grant examines the forces that push some people to rise and others to sink to the bottom.

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5. Wooden on Leadership:

Author: John Wooden

This book is written by the legendary basketball coach John Wooden. The author has discussed the balance of working for your personal best while holding too strong team coordination. He stresses that failure does not come until you start blaming others for your mistakes.

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Written by Laiba Shahzad


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