
New tools to combat fake news

Facebook is permitting editing abilities to commerce, media outlets, and journalists in order to make articles more presentable to the targeted audience. For this purpose, it is testing a new feature that will prevent the page administrators from editing the featured image, headlines, and description on shared links. In most cases it is known as click bait.

With the availability of this feature, pages will no longer be able to change the news for their own interest or for creating stories. Facebook seems to be attempting again for combating fake news as well as alternative facts. The previous feature of the platform which involved the reporting and flagging process failed to achieve success. In views of some of the users, the disputed new articles were the ones that were real. These were the articles that were meant to be shared so the voices couldn’t be silenced by the media.

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The recent technique seems to be a hard blow by Facebook. The authentic platforms will be able to relax by knowing that their content is not being shared in any form. This will give trolls less authority and credibility which will be a success for not only Facebook but for true journalism as well.

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