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Now you can mute annoying friends and Pages by using Facebook ‘Snooze’ button

Facebook, the world’s largest social networking website is more than just a social networking website moving into 2018. The portal has smartly evolved over the years. With more users than the numbers of cars on the road and planes in the sky, Facebook has its own disadvantages as well. When we are connected with our friends, families and business acquaintances, we often come across the one whose posts are more annoying than useful. We do not want to unfollow them or unfriend them because every now and then, they do post something useful.

Good news, now Facebook gives you a way to tackle such friends and pages. Facebook has introduced a ‘Snooze‘ button to Mute such friends and you will not see any updates from their side in your Newsfeed for 30 days.

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This feature was in test phase for few months but it rolls out to everyone today.

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Written by BG Staff

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