Phrase: focus

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  • How to build strong personal networks

    Strong personal networks do not just happen at the water cooler; they have to be carefully constructed. For being successful, creativity and insight are important but for presenting imagination in front of the world, you need an effective network. Networks raise your level of information from what you know to whom you know. A strongly […]

  • 10 bad habits you should quit to be more productive

    Habits are things we do unconsciously or with extremely little effort. But forming good habits and breaking the bad ones needs focus. Rewards are important when it comes to freeing ourselves from bad habits. We need to think how wonderful it will be to be free from the tyranny of doing something repeatedly we must […]

  • How to create positivity at work?

    When it comes to managing employees, the most important thing to do is to set the right tone at work. You may have heard some horror stories about terrible jobs or bad bosses but one thing that each of the stories has in common is the negative workplace environment. It is because an employee’s motivation […]

  • 4 ways to stop the power of negative people in your life

    In a business, a few negative thoughts can spoil the whole environment. Their unbearable attitudes and catastrophic thinking can act havoc on your morale. Such kinds of outlooks can spread like an epidemic and can easily permeate the ranks. On an individual level, this can be a serious problem as well. Given a few precious […]

  • 5 scientifically proven stress reducing techniques

    When many of us think of stress, we find the best technique to relax as zoning out in front of the TV and watching something that can make us happy. But this is not at all a good way to effectively combat stress as it does not help to recover from the damaging effects. In […]

  • Read these books for quick financial growth in life

    You must be surprised at just how much the world’s richest entrepreneurs read. The renowned investor Warren Buffet used to read 1,000 pages every single day when he was building up a carrier in investing. Another business magnate with a 10-figure net worth said once that in his whole life, he didn’t come across any […]

  • 14 guidelines for success in life – Follow a proven pattern

    Looking at the successful patron of rich people, we find out that they all have done similar things one way or another in order to achieve success in life. In this post, I’ve compiled 14 guidelines for success in life. Each pattern matters a lot in orchestrating a way to success. Successful people inspire humanity. […]

  • Psychology of happiness is attributed to these 7 habits

    Our life is a constant chase for things we desire and think can finally make us happy. But even when these things are acquired, our happiness does not last long. Recently, a study was carried out at Northwestern University that measured the psychology of happiness levels of regular people with the ones who have been able […]

  • Learn Body Language for effective communication

    The importance of a person’s body language can never be underestimated. This is the non-verbal communication that we use all the time in our society as well as in professional life Our actions speak louder than words and sometimes we communicate with other people without the aid of a single word. It is the most […]

  • Rich Dad Poor Dad Gives Five Money Lessons To Get Rich

    rich dad poor dad (summary)

    The book Rich Dad Poor Dad has reportedly sold over 32 million copies worldwide. The book is written by Robert T. Kiyosaki who shares the financial approach of two dads. The “poor dad” is Kiyosaki’s father who is a college professor while the “rich dad” is Kiyosaki’s best friend’s dad who is a wealthy businessman and […]

  • 3 Secrets of effective learning

    It is no doubt that educators are always on the lookout for ways to make their teaching more effective. But it seems that the secret to effective learning may be less studied than it should be. When you start your job, you are bombarded with new concepts such as email click-through rate, bounce rate, email […]

  • 8 Things successful people don’t waste time on

    There are so many people who are guilty of getting involved in activities that do not contribute to their success. In reality, these are the time-wasters that hold you back from reaching your full potential. But successful people, on the other hand, learn to not get involved in any of the activities that waste their […]

  • Successful people never say these ‘Five’ things

    Spending time with truly successful people makes us notice some of their traits that are not present in common people. They do not like to waste their time in negative thinking and focus on options that actually help them solve their problems. They do not get attracted to false beliefs and keep on moving forward […]

  • The 7 habits of highly effective people summary


    Stephen R. Covey’s book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, has been a top seller for the simple reason that it ignores trends and pop psychology for proven principles of fairness, integrity, honesty, and human dignity. The book is a New York Times bestseller—with over 40 million copies sold. Celebrating its 30 years of […]

  • Can blogging help you make good money? – Why is blogging important?

    With the beginning of blogging, people considered it a comfortable means to earn money while sharing their thoughts with the world. There are numerous niches that are offered by blogging websites according to various interests. It is easy to find a suitable one but the downside is how much you can likely earn from them. […]